Green bean seedlings
Green bean seedlings

green bean seedlings

Green beans are susceptible to diseases, including blight, anthracnose, and mosaic. Seeds will not germinate well in over-wet soil, so take special care not to over-water before growth occurs.

green bean seedlings

After seedlings have grown larger than a couple inches, mulch around them to preserve moisture. Green beans will do best in fertile soil that is rich in organic matter, and digging some finished compost into the garden beds will help them thrive. The best time to plant them outdoors is when the danger of frost has passed and the soil temperature remains a constant 65 degrees or warmer. Topics include: site selection, soil preparation, varieties, planting, fertilizing, watering, harvesting, insects, diseases, and serving. It is important that the soil is kept evenly moist, but not soggy. This publication explains all aspects of growing green beans in a home garden. Soil temperatures should be kept between 60 and 85 degrees F. Green beans grow best in temperatures between 50 and 85 degrees F. Add one-foot stakes into the containers, pressing next to the planted seeds. If you are using eight-inch containers, plant one seed per container. Plant seeds about four inches apart and 1 to 1 1/2 inches deep. If growing in containers indoors, plant in mid to late spring to make sure the plants will get plenty of sunlight. Make sure there are plenty of holes in the bottom of your container and line the bottom of the containers with a couple layers of newspaper so the soil doesn't ooze out of the holes. Green beans grow well in long and narrow containers because green beans often grow as vines, spreading out quickly. If you want to use a fertilizer, use a high-phosphorus fertilizer like a 10-20-10 and work into the soil two weeks before planting time. Avoid planting in soil that is rich in nitrogen. Beans prefer soil with a pH level of 6.0 and 6.8.

Green bean seedlings